Club Championship Day will be held at the Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre on Sunday 30 March 2025.
For Championship Events the Club will provide an accredited referee to officiate.
Age for the Championship is taken as at Championship Day.
When swimming in championship events (marked with #) that are held prior to Championship Day, it must be in the age group that you will compete in on Championship Day.
Nominations for Club Championship Day will close Sunday 26th February 2024 or at the Club Committee’s discretion.
Separate timed finals for long distance events are run prior to Championship Day.
It is the responsibility of swimmers to nominate for Club Championships.
Nominations for timed finals run on Friday’s prior to Championship Day close on the night that the event is swum.
If more than 8 swimmers nominate for an age race, there will be two or more heats run on Championship Day and the three fastest times out of all the heats will receive awards. i.e. events will be run as times finals.
Swimmers must have swum 5 Club Nights to qualify:
1. Swimmers wishing to compete in the Championship Events (those marked with a # in the club night programme) that are swum prior to Championship Day, must have swum at five club nights by the 21 March 2025 and they must also have swum the event at least once (without disqualification), over the previous Short Course or current Long Course season's to qualify.
2. In extenuating circumstances, written application may be made to the Club Management Committee for these qualification criteria to be waived on an individual basis.
Swimmers must swim the designated distance for their age group at the Championships, regardless of what has been swum during the season.
All swimmers must have an adult present to undertake any necessary tasks required by the club e.g. timekeeping, marshalling etc.
All Championship Events will be held and swum on the days
as set out in the season program.
There will be no exceptions.
There will be no changes to dates, apart from any unforeseen circumstances regarding pool availability.
Exclusionary Rule:
In the interest of fairness and equity - all families are to provide a representative for a swimming competitor. This representative is required to perform duties as assigned by the club committee or management at the swim meet such competitor is participating at. These duties are assigned on a rotating basis so as to ensure no family is over represented. Each family is required to provide one representative only, regardless of the number of competitors in the family.
Families and swimmers should expect to be assigned duties on the Volunteer Roster at every Inter-Club Carnival they attend, regardless of the total number of swimmers participating.
A refusal by a family member or representative to perform the duties allocated may make that family’s competitor/s ineligible to swim at the club’s next swim meet.
Swimming Terms
P.B.: An abbreviation for Personal Best Time
Qualifying Times: This is the time set by the club/organisation which a swimmer must achieve before being eligible to compete in a particular event.
Open: An Open Event means a swimmer of any age may enter.
Race: 8 or less swimmers from which 1st, 2nd, 3rd places are awarded.
Heat: When there are more than 8 swimmers in an event, heats are held to narrow the field down to the fastest 8 swimmers so that a race can be swum.
Timed Final: 1st, 2nd,3rd placings are awarded for the three fastest recorded times from all the heats held.
I.M.: Individual Medley. The sequence for IM is Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle.
Medley Relay: The sequence for the Medley Relay is Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly and Freestyle. All stroking touches and turns must be in accordance with the rules and the stroke being swum.