Below is a general idea of the requirements for all the clubs training squads.
The coaches will make the final decision on what squad the swimmer will be involved in.
Factors that can affect this decision could be Maturity, Age, Physical and Mental attributes. These decision is made with the best interest of the swimmer in mind.
When first joining the club you may find yourself in a lower squad than expected – as ability to move up is demonstrated, you will be moved up.
Swim Clinic Entry - Min requirement to be assessed is VacSwim Stage 6 (or equivalent recognised program)
Minimum VACSwim level 6 or equivalent - Must be able to swim a minimum distance of 50m in freestyle, breastroke and backstroke. Must be able to swim 500m-2000m. Squad aim at stroke correction. Turns, starts and finishes are developed.
2 sessions per week
Must be able to swim 1500-2500m each training session correctly and efficiently. Must know all turns, starts and finishes. Able to understand the pace clock.
2-4 sessions per week recommended.
State development:
Must want to achieve a high level of swimming and training. Must be able to swim 2500-3500m each training session. Able to physically and mentally handle the demands of high volume and intensity of training. Know all the fundamentals of swimming.
4-6 sessions per week recommended.
For those Senior age swimmers who want to train at a senior level but don’t/can’t commit to a high level of sessions per week. Must be able to swim 2000-3500m each training session. Still competitive at most levels of swimming.
2-4 sessions per week recommended.