Parents are asked to explain club rules to their children and to ensure that their children abide by these rules.
1. Competitors in the marshalling area must sit quietly and listen for race starts and for announcements. Swimmers will only be called twice for races from the marshalling area—if they miss their race, they cannot ask to be started in another heat.
2. Swimmers are to listen for the Marshall to call their name and then line up in front of the marshalling area.
3. At the start of the previous race the Marshall will send swimmers to stand at the rear of the appropriate lane.
4. Do not walk in front of the timekeepers until the referee signals for you to approach the blocks for the start of your event.
5. Caps, goggles and bathers should be adjusted before mounting the blocks.
6. At the finish of the previous event swimmers should stand behind the blocks to await the referee’s whistle. When the whistle blows swimmers should mount the back of the block and be ready for starting instructions. On the command “take your marks’ swimmers should step to the front of the block and take up the starting position and remain still. When all swimmers are still the starter will sound the starting signal (hooter, whistle or gun). On this sound the swimmers will enter the water. One start rule shall apply.
7. Freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly and individual medley starts should be a forward entry (dive) from the blocks. Backstroke and Medley relay races start in the water. Swimmers enter the water at the referees whistle and immediately take their starting position in accordance with backstroke rules, remaining stationary after the starting command until the starting signal.
8. Any swimmer starting before the starting signal has been given, shall be disqualified. If the starting signal sounds before the disqualification is declared, the race shall continue and the swimmer or swimmers shall be disqualified upon completion of the race. If the disqualification is declared before the starting signal, the signal shall not be given, but the remaining swimmers shall be called back and start again.
9. At the completion of the race, swimmers are to remain quietly in their lane until instructions to leave are given by the referee. (Swimmers can be disqualified for swimming back down their lane.)
10. Swimmers should exit the water under the ropes to the side of the pool which is nearest to them. Lanes one to four to the left and lanes five to eight to the right.
11. Swimmers should collect their time from their Timekeeper immediately after the race is completed. Swimmers are to approach the Timekeepers from behind when collecting their time slips. Swimming times will also be posted on the club website the following week.
12. Swimmers and spectators should stand well back from the pool edge so as not to get in the way of the Referees, Timekeepers or other Officials.
13. Competitors and spectators must not at any time walk in front of the Referees or Timekeepers during the progress of the race as this impedes their view of the swimmers.
14. Lane ropes etc. should not be cleared from the main pool until all the swimmers from the last race have left the water.
15. Please check the grandstand before leaving to make sure you have all of our property and that all litter is placed in the bin provided. Lost property will be put in the Club cage.
16. Help is required to set up the pool before 5:45pm and also to return the equipment to the Club cage at the end of the night. This is everyone’s responsibility and the more people who help the sooner we go home at the end of the night.
17. All Junior and Intermediate swimmers are required to have a parent/guardian present on pool deck to assist with time keeping and other duties.